+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% modulo (remainder) 5 % 4 1
^ exponentiation
|/ square root
||/ cube root
! factorial 5 !=120
!! factorial (prefix operator) !!5=120
@ absolute value
& binary AND
| binary OR
# binary XOR
~ binary NOT
<< binary shift left
>> binary shift right
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% modulo (remainder) 5 % 4 1
^ exponentiation
|/ square root
||/ cube root
! factorial 5 !=120
!! factorial (prefix operator) !!5=120
@ absolute value
& binary AND
| binary OR
# binary XOR
~ binary NOT
<< binary shift left
>> binary shift right
Bit String Binary Operators
B'10001' & B'01101' = 00001
B'10001' | B'01101' = 11101
B'10001' # B'01101' = 11110
~ B'10001' = 01110
B'10001' << 3 = 01000
B'10001' >> 2 = 00100
abs(x) - absolute value
cbrt(dp) - cube root
ceil(dp or numeric) - smallest integer not less than argument
degrees(dp) - radians to degrees
exp(dp or numeric) - exponential
floor(dp or numeric) - largest integer not greater than argument
ln(dp or numeric) - natural logarithm
log(dp or numeric) - base 10 logarithm
log(b numeric, x numeric) - logarithm to base b
mod(y, x) - remainder of y/x
pi() - "Pi" constant
pow(x dp, e dp) - raise a number to exponent e
pow(x numeric, e numeric) - raise a number to exponent e
radians(dp) - degrees to radians
random() - random value between 0.0 and 1.0
round(dp or numeric) - round to nearest integer
round(v numeric, s integer) - round to s decimal places
sign(dp or numeric) - sign of the argument (-1, 0, +1)
sqrt(dp or numeric) - square root
trunc(dp or numeric) - truncate toward zero
trunc(v numeric, s integer) - truncate to s decimal places
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