How often we remember what to do but forget the exact syntax? Or almost but not quite remember a certain command or action? Or just don't want to tick whichever is resting copy by copy-paste? To this end I established the blog - a list of actions and texts that always good to have available, the everyday things that anyone would want to copy and not to remember and type all over again. The blog deals in the database (mostly) and software issues.
Welcome to my blog!
The Goals of the blog are to create a warehouse of copy-paste texts to our code and Sharing of my knowledge and experience, errors and problems solutions, processes description and more ...
The blog address:
By the way.... My name is Itai Gittler.
I'm a SQL Server DBA, with more than 6 years of experience in SQL development and design.
Up to October 2010 I was also Project Manager and programmer, with 5 years of experience in software development, software design and project management.
You can read more about me and about my experience in:
Enjoy the blog!
I will be happy to get feedback, comments and suggestions. You can sent it to: