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SAP RS - Create a new Replication

Before declaring a Replication

We should have:

  • Primary database and Replicate database/s.
  • Instances were set in sql.ini.
  • RSSD database.

Create a primary database

use master
-- Create devices
disk init name="RepTestPrimaryDdevice", physname="/sybvol01/sap16/data/RepTestPrimaryDdevice1.dat", size="100M"
disk init name="RepTestPrimaryDdeviceLog", physname="/sybvol01/sap16/data/RepTestPrimaryDdeviceLog1.dat", size="100M"
-- Create a Database
create database RepTestPrimary on RepTestPrimaryDdevice='100M' log on RepTestPrimaryDdeviceLog='100M'
use RepTestPrimary
-- Create a Segment
sp_addsegment RepTestPrimarySeg, RepTestPrimary, RepTestPrimaryDdevice

Create a replicate database

use master
-- Create devices
disk init name="RepTestReplicateDdevice", physname="/sybvol01/sap16/data/RepTestReplicateDdevice1.dat", size="100M"
disk init name="RepTestReplicateDdeviceLog", physname="/sybvol01/sap16/data/RepTestReplicateDdeviceLog1.dat", size="100M"
-- Create a Database
create database RepTestReplicate on RepTestReplicateDdevice='100M' log on RepTestReplicateDdeviceLog='100M'
use RepTestReplicate
-- Create a Segment
sp_addsegment RepTestReplicateSeg, RepTestReplicate, RepTestReplicateDdevice

Create a replicated table

use RepTestPrimary
create table dbo.FirstTable (ID numeric(10, 0) not null, IntColumn int null, StrColumn varchar(20) null)
alter table dbo.FirstTable add constraint pkFirstTable primary key (ID)
-- =============================================================
use RepTestReplicate
create table dbo.FirstTable (ID numeric(10, 0) not null, IntColumn int null, StrColumn varchar(20) null)
alter table dbo.FirstTable add constraint pkFirstTable primary key (ID)

  • The replicated table must have a primary key!

Create connections to the primary and replicated server

cd /sybvol01/sap16rs/REP-16_0/install/

Add a database to the replication system

2.  Configure a Server product

Choose: "2. Configure a Server product"

Choose: "1. Replication Server"

Choose: "2. Add a database to the replication system"

In windows:

Replication Server Information

Choose: "1. Replication Server Information"

Choose: "1. Replication Server Name"Choose: "RS SA password"

Ctrl-a Accept and Continue

In windows:

Database Information

Add the primary database

Choose: "2. Database Information"

Choose: "1. SQL Server name"
For the primary database: set "5. Will the database be replicated" to "yes".
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue

Choose: "3. SA password"

Choose: "4. Database name"

Choose: "7. Maintenance password"

Choose: "3. Database Replication Agent"

Choose: "2. RS password"

Change RS user to sa.

Ctrl-a Accept and Continue

Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Approve to run the task.

Execute the Replication Server tasks now? y
Running task: check the SQL Server.
Task succeeded: check the SQL Server.
Running task: verify users and their passwords.
Verified that 'sa' can log into Replication Server 'RSFOG2'.
Verified that 'sa' can log into Replication Server 'RSFOG2'.
Task succeeded: verify users and their passwords.
Running task: check the database.
Verified that database 'RepL16TestPrimary' exists.
Verified that SQL Server 'SERVERNAME' supports replication.
Added maintenance user login 'RepL16TestPrimary_maint' to database 'RepL16TestP
Verified that maintenance user 'RepL16TestPrimary_maint' can log into SQL Serve
Task succeeded: check the database.
Running task: configure database for primary data.
Loading script 'rs_install_primary.sql' into database 'RepL16TestPrimary'.
Loaded script 'rs_install_primary.sql' successfully.
Granting permissions on the lastcommit functions and rs_marker.
Granting permissions on the lastcommit functions.
Granted maintenance user permissions on the lastcommit functions and rs_marker.

Granted replication role to maintenance user
Task succeeded: configure database for primary data.
Running task: configure the Replication Agent.
Task succeeded: configure the Replication Agent.
Running task: set connection to the database.
Adding database 'RepL16TestPrimary' to the replication system.
Successfully executed 'create connection'. Database 'RepL16TestPrimary' is now
managed by Replication Server 'RSFOG2'.
Task succeeded: set connection to the database.
Running task: start the Replication Agent.
Task succeeded: start the Replication Agent.

Configuration completed successfully.
Press <return> to continue.

Add a replicate database

Do the same as for the primary database, with the following changes:

  1. For the replicate databases: set "5. Will the database be replicated" to "no".
  2. "Database Replication Agent" definition is not required.

Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Approve to run the task.

Execute the Replication Server tasks now? y
Running task: check the SQL Server.
Task succeeded: check the SQL Server.
Running task: verify users and their passwords.
Verified that 'sa' can log into Replication Server 'RSFOG2'.
Task succeeded: verify users and their passwords.
Running task: check the database.
Verified that database 'RepL16TestReplicate' exists.
Added maintenance user login 'RepL16TestReplicate_maint' to database 'RepL16Tes
Verified that maintenance user 'RepL16TestReplicate_maint' can log into SQL Ser
Task succeeded: check the database.
Running task: configure database for replicate data.
Loading script 'rs_install_replicate.sql' into database 'RepL16TestReplicate'.
Loaded script 'rs_install_replicate.sql' successfully.
Granting permissions on the lastcommit functions.
Granted maintenance user permissions on the lastcommit functions.
Granted replication role to maintenance user
Task succeeded: configure database for replicate data.
Running task: set connection to the database.
Adding database 'RepL16TestReplicate' to the replication system.
Successfully executed 'create connection'. Database 'RepL16TestReplicate' is no
w managed by Replication Server 'RSFOG2'.
Task succeeded: set connection to the database.

Configuration completed successfully.
Press <return> to continue.

In windows:

Create replication definition, publication and subscription

Create a replication definition

Replication definition is defined at the primary database.

Connect to the RS:
isql64 -S RSFOG2 -Usa -Ppassword -w2048

create replication definition RepL16TestDef
with primary at SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary
with all tables named 'FirstTable'
(ID numeric,
IntColumn int,
StrColumn varchar(20))
primary key(ID)
replicate minimal columns

Expected output:
Replication definition 'RepL16TestDef' is created.

Create a publication

Publication is defined at the primary database.

Connect to the RS:
isql64 -S RSFOG2 -Usa -Ppassword -w2048

create publication RepL16TestPub with primary at SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary

Expected output:
-- Publication 'RepL16TestPub' for SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary is created.

Create a subscription

Subscription is defined at the replicate database.

Connect to the RS:
isql64 -S RSFOG2 -Usa -Ppassword -w2048

create subscription RepL16TestSub for RepL16TestDef with replicate at SERVERNAME.RepL16TestReplicate

Expected output:
Subscription 'RepL16TestSub' is in the process of being created.

check subscription RepL16TestSub for RepL16TestDef with replicate at SERVERNAME.RepL16TestReplicate

Expected output:
Subscription RepL16TestSub is VALID at the replicate.
Subscription RepL16TestSub is VALID at the primary.

Validation and checks for the connections and the definitions

Connect to the RS:

isql64 -S RSFOG2 -Usa -Ppassword -w2048

1> admin who

2> go

Spid Name State Info

---- --------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------


304 DSI EXEC Awaiting Command 109(1) SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary

299 DSI Awaiting Message 109 SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary

301 DIST Awaiting Wakeup 109 SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary

303 SQT Awaiting Wakeup 109:1 DIST SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary

300 SQM Awaiting Message 109:1 SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary

298 SQM Awaiting Message 109:0 SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary

302 REP AGENT Awaiting Command SERVERNAME.RepL16TestPrimary

311 DSI EXEC Awaiting Command 110(1) SERVERNAME.RepL16TestReplicate

310 DSI Awaiting Message 110 SERVERNAME.RepL16TestReplicate

309 SQM Awaiting Message 110:0 SERVERNAME.RepL16TestReplicate


Connect to the RSSD in the ASE:

isql64 -S SERVERNAME -Usa -Ppassword -w2048 -X

1> use RSFOG2_RSSD

2> go

1> select * from rs_databases

2> go

dsname dbname dbid dist_status src_status ....

----------------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ....


SERVERNAME RepL16TestPrimary 109 1 1 ....

SERVERNAME RepL16TestReplicate 110 1 0 ....


(8 rows affected)

  • rs_helpdb can also be good: exec rs_helpdb.

Add database and table to replication

Connect to the primary database in the ASE:
isql64 -S SERVERNAME -Usa -Ppassword -w2048 -X

1> USE RepL16TestPrimary
2> go

1> -- displays the current replication status of a table:
2> sp_setreptable FirstTable
3> go

The replication status for 'FirstTable' is currently false, owner_off, primary key = 'pkFirstTable'.
(return status = 0)

1> -- add table to replication
2> sp_setreptable FirstTable, true
3> go
The replication status for 'FirstTable' is set to true, owner_off.
(return status = 0)

1> -- displays the current replication status of a table:
2> sp_setreptable FirstTable
3> go
The replication status for 'FirstTable' is currently true, owner_off, primary key = 'pkFirstTable'.
(return status = 0)

1> -- check replication status for database:
2> sp_reptostandby RepL16TestPrimary
3> go
The replication status for database 'RepL16TestPrimary' is 'NONE'.
The replication mode for database 'RepL16TestPrimary' is 'off'.
(return status = 0)

1> -- activate replication status for database
2> sp_reptostandby RepL16TestPrimary, 'all'
3> go
Warning: The execution of the stored procedure sp_reptostandby will take time to process all the tables and all the text/image columns in database 'RepL16TestPrimary'.
The replication status for database 'RepL16TestPrimary' has been set to 'ALL'.
(return status = 0)

1> -- check replication status for database
2> sp_reptostandby RepL16TestPrimary
3> go
The replication status for database 'RepL16TestPrimary' is 'ALL'.
The replication mode for database 'RepL16TestPrimary' is 'off'.
(return status = 0)

Grant permissions to maint user on replicated DB

Connect to the replicate database in the ASE:

isql64 -S SERVERNAME -Usa -Ppassword -w2048 -X

use RepL16TestReplicate
GRANT INSERT ON dbo.FirstTable TO RepL16TestReplicate_maint
GRANT UPDATE ON dbo.FirstTable TO RepL16TestReplicate_maint
GRANT DELETE ON dbo.FirstTable TO RepL16TestReplicate_maint

Activate Rep Agent

-- Connect to the primary database and to the RSSD in the ASE:
isql64 -S SERVERNAME -Usa -Ppassword -w2048 -X

1> use RepL16TestPrimary
2> go

1> -- let RepAgent sends changes to the replicate database
2> sp_config_rep_agent RepL16TestPrimary, send_warm_standby_xacts, true
3> go

Parameter_Name Default_Value Config_Value Run_Value
----------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
send warm standby xacts false true false
(1 row affected)
Replication Agent configuration changed for database 'RepL16TestPrimary'. The changes will take effect the next time the Replication Agent thread is started.
(return status = 0)

1> -- config connect dataserver to the ASE name
2> sp_config_rep_agent RepL16TestPrimary, 'connect dataserver', 'SERVERNAME'
3> go

Parameter_Name Default_Value Config_Value Run_Value
------------------ ------------- ------------ ------------
(1 row affected)

Replication Agent configuration changed for database 'RepL16TestPrimary'. The changes will take effect the next time the Replication Agent thread is started.
(return status = 0)

1> sp_config_rep_agent RepL16TestPrimary, 'enable', 'RSFOG2', 'sa', 'password'
2> go
Msg 18382, Level 16, State 1:
Server 'SERVERNAME', Procedure 'sp_config_rep_agent', Line 664:
Database 'RepL16TestPrimary' is already configured to use Replication Agent. Request to enable Replication Agent has been ignored.
(return status = 1)
→ Bebause it already done in rs_init. No problem. 

1> -- stop RepAgent
2> sp_stop_rep_agent RepL16TestPrimary
3> go
The Replication Agent thread for database 'RepL16TestPrimary' is being stopped.
(return status = 0)

1> use RSFOG2_RSSD
2> go
1> rs_zeroltm 'SERVERNAME', 'RepL16TestPrimary'
2> go
Locater has been reset to zero.
(return status = 0)

1> use RepL16TestPrimary
2> go
1> dbcc settrunc(ltm, valid)
2> go
secondary trunc page secondary trunc state dbrepstat generation id database id database name ltl version
-------------------- --------------------- --------- ------------- ----------- ------------------------------ -----------
25757 1 175 0 14 RepL16TestPrimary 760

1> -- truncate the log
2> dump tran RepL16TestPrimary with no_log
3> go

1> -- grant permissions
2> grant role replication_role to sa
3> go

2> -- start RepAgent
3> sp_start_rep_agent RepL16TestPrimary
4> go
Replication Agent thread is started for database 'RepL16TestPrimary'.
(return status = 0)

View information about all definitions and declarations

In the primary database:

sp_config_rep_agent RepL16TestPrimary

sp_help_rep_agent "RepL16TestPrimary"

sp_displaylogin sa

In the Replication Server:

admin who

admin who_is_down


rs_helpdbrep DETestDB_repdef, win16, DETestDBPrimary


rs_helprep DETestDB_repdef

rs_helpdbsub DETestDB_pub_subscript, ubuntu16, DETestDB

select * from rs_subscriptions A

select * from rs_dbreps B

select * from rs_sites --B

select * from rs_databases --C

Check the replication

Connect to the primary database and to the replicate database in the ASE:
isql64 -S SERVERNAME -Usa -Ppassword -w2048 -X

  1. Insert data to the primary table.
  2. Check if it was replicated in the replicate database.

1> use RepL16TestPrimary
2> go
1> INSERT INTO dbo.FirstTable ( ID, IntColumn, StrColumn ) VALUES ( 1, 1, 'Str 1' )
2> go
(1 row affected)
1> select * from dbo.FirstTable
2> go
ID IntColumn StrColumn
------------- ----------- --------------------
1 1 Str 1
(1 row affected)
1> use RepL16TestReplicate
2> go
1> select * from dbo.FirstTable
2> go
ID IntColumn StrColumn
------------- ----------- --------------------
1 1 Str 1
(1 row affected)

1 comment:

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