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Get Windows directories Structure from SQL

xp_dirtree 'C:\Windows'

Insert default values to table

-- Insert default values to specific column:
INSERT INTO StamTable (StamTableStr, StamTableInt) VALUES ('example1', DEFAULT)

-- Insert default values to all columns in the table:

Join to Dynamic SQL code

The situation: 
You have a dynamic SQL code that return a select results, and you want to make it available to join other queries (you don't know what will be the queries).

1. Insert the dynamic SQL code into stored procedure.
2. Join it using OpenRowSet:
Select *
From OpenRowSet( 'SQLNCLI',
'Set FmtOnly Off Exec DB_Name.dbo.SP_Name'
) d
JOIN ...

1.You need to configure the server 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' property to 1:
SP_Configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1;
Reconfigure With Override;

2. Stored procedure that executed from OpenRowSet can't get parameters.

3. Check performance.

Error message when execute USE DB

If DB name include special characters (like '-', '.'), error messages will be displayed when execute:
USE Ddddd.7 
--> error msg: Incorrect syntax near '.7'.

The problem is in the DB name.
USE [Ddddd.7]

It can be more dangerous when execute it in dynamic SQL:
DECLARE @DBName nvarchar(128) = DB_NAME()
DECLARE @Sql nvarchar(500)
SET @Sql = 'USE ' + @DBName + ........
--> error msg: Incorrect syntax near '.7'.

It recommended to write it in this syntax:
SET @Sql = 'USE [' + @DBName + ']'  + ........