
admin (1) aix (1) alert (1) always-on (2) Architecture (1) aws (3) Azure (1) backup (3) BI-DWH (10) Binary (3) Boolean (1) C# (1) cache (1) casting (3) cdc (1) certificate (1) checks (1) cloud (3) cluster (1) cmd (7) collation (1) columns (1) compilation (1) configurations (7) Connection-String (2) connections (6) constraint (6) copypaste (2) cpu (2) csv (3) CTE (1) data-types (1) datetime (23) db (547) DB2 (1) deadlock (2) Denali (7) device (6) dotNet (5) dynamicSQL (11) email (5) encoding (1) encryption (4) errors (124) excel (1) ExecutionPlan (10) extended events (1) files (7) FIPS (1) foreign key (1) fragmentation (1) functions (1) GCP (2) gMSA (2) google (2) HADR (1) hashing (3) in-memory (1) index (3) indexedViews (2) insert (3) install (10) IO (1) isql (6) javascript (1) jobs (11) join (2) LDAP (2) LinkedServers (8) Linux (15) log (6) login (1) maintenance (3) mariadb (1) memory (4) merge (3) monitoring (4) MSA (2) mssql (444) mssql2005 (5) mssql2008R2 (20) mssql2012 (2) mysql (36) MySQL Shell (5) network (1) NoSQL (1) null (2) numeric (9) object-oriented (1) offline (1) openssl (1) Operating System (4) oracle (7) ORDBMS (1) ordering (2) Outer Apply (1) Outlook (1) page (1) parameters (2) partition (1) password (1) Performance (103) permissions (10) pivot (3) PLE (1) port (4) PostgreSQL (14) profiler (1) RDS (3) read (1) Replication (12) restore (4) root (1) RPO (1) RTO (1) SAP ASE (48) SAP RS (20) SCC (4) scema (1) script (8) security (10) segment (1) server (1) service broker (2) services (4) settings (75) SQL (74) SSAS (1) SSIS (19) SSL (8) SSMS (4) SSRS (6) storage (1) String (35) sybase (57) telnet (2) tempdb (1) Theory (2) tips (120) tools (3) training (1) transaction (6) trigger (2) Tuple (2) TVP (1) unix (8) users (3) (4) versioning (1) windows (14) xml (10) XSD (1) zip (1)

Quotation marks in an exported csv file from sql

As probably known, we can export data to a csv file from the export wizard.

But, if the text columns have the “,” – that it is the column separate sign – all the csv file will be not arranged.

One possible solution is to declare Quotation marks to all columns, and it will help to separate the columns.

Update string add spaces to the input text

Can it be that we will try to update a string and SQL add spaces to it while updating the column?

Answer: Yes!
Char and nchar data types fill the string to the defined text.

An example: 
If a column declared as char 3, and we will run

UPDATE MyTable SET CharColumn = 'AA' WHERE id = 1

and the value there will be set to 'AA ' !

Include columns headers in csv files via grid results

There are few ways to save query results to files.
One of them is direct from the grid results:

But, when you will do it, you will find the csv file without the columns names:

Not so nice…

The solution is quite simple: declare in the options to get also the headers:

Done. Try again – but again – no columns header!!!

Now what?

The solution for that is the most common solution in the IT world: restart – restart SSMS.
Next time – you will get the headers.

Output list - Lookup columns

In order to see the columns we get from the lookup operation:

Right click on the lookup icon in the execution plan --> Output list

How to write Special Characters?

Try to type the sign '©', or maybe '¾'.

problem: no button for that.... :(

Press tab + numbers:
Alt 0169 = '©'
Alt 0190 = '¾'

Note: thias is not only SSMS trick... you can try it on notepad also :)

See all of the Special Characters Alt Keyboard Sequences here:

Find all permissions in all levels on a database

Here is a script that find all permissions in all levels on a database for a specific user (@FromUser) and make scripts of the to another one (@ToUser).

1. If you want to get the scripts to the current user, put the same name in both parameters @FromUser and @ToUser.
2. Those queris without the user filter will return all the permissions to all users in the database.


DECLARE       @FromUser sysname, @ToUser sysname

SELECT @FromUser = 'FromUserName', @ToUser = 'ToUserName'

SELECT 'USE' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(DB_NAME()) AS '--Database Context'

--Role Memberships:
SELECT 'EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename ='
              + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(USER_NAME(rm.role_principal_id), '''') + ', @membername =' + SPACE(1)
              + QUOTENAME(@ToUser, '''') AS '--Role Memberships'
FROM   sys.database_role_members AS rm
WHERE  USER_NAME(rm.member_principal_id) = @FromUser
ORDER BY rm.role_principal_id ASC

--Object Level Permissions:
SELECT CASE WHEN perm.state <> 'W' THEN perm.state_desc ELSE 'GRANT' END
              + SPACE(1) + perm.permission_name + SPACE(1) + 'ON ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id)) + '.' +QUOTENAME(
              + CASE WHEN cl.column_id IS NULL THEN SPACE(0) ELSE '(' + QUOTENAME( + ')' END
              + SPACE(1) + 'TO' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(@ToUser) COLLATE database_default
              + CASE WHEN perm.state <> 'W' THEN SPACE(0) ELSE SPACE(1) + 'WITH GRANT OPTION' END AS '--Object Level Permissions'
FROM          sys.database_permissions perm
JOIN          sys.objects obj                          ON perm.major_id = obj.[object_id]
JOIN          sys.database_principals usr ON perm.grantee_principal_id = usr.principal_id
LEFT JOIN     sys.columns cl                           ON cl.column_id = perm.minor_id AND cl.[object_id] =perm.major_id
WHERE = @FromUser
ORDER BY perm.permission_name ASC, perm.state_desc ASC

--Database Level Permissions
--D = Deny, R = Revoke, G = Grant, W = Grant With Grant Option
SELECT CASE WHEN perm.state <> 'W' THEN perm.state_desc ELSE 'GRANT' END
       + SPACE(1) + perm.permission_name + SPACE(1)
       + SPACE(1) + 'TO' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(@ToUser) COLLATE database_default
       + CASE WHEN perm.state <> 'W' THEN SPACE(0) ELSE SPACE(1) + 'WITH GRANT OPTION' END AS '--Database Level Permissions'
FROM   sys.database_permissions AS perm
       sys.database_principals AS usr
       ON perm.grantee_principal_id = usr.principal_id
WHERE = @FromUser
AND    perm.major_id = 0
ORDER BY perm.permission_name ASC, perm.state_desc ASC

-- Schema Level Permission
                     WHEN perm.state <> 'W' THEN perm.state_desc --W=Grant With Grant Option
                     ELSE 'GRANT'
                           + SPACE(1) + perm.permission_name --CONNECT, etc
                           + SPACE(1) + 'ON' + SPACE(1) + class_desc + '::' COLLATE database_default --TO <user name>
                           + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(major_id))
                           + SPACE(1) + 'TO' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(@ToUser) COLLATE database_default
                           + CASE
                                  WHEN perm.state <> 'W' THEN SPACE(0)
                                  ELSE SPACE(1) + 'WITH GRANT OPTION'
                     AS '-- Schema Level Permission --'
from sys.database_permissions AS perm
       inner join sys.schemas s
              on perm.major_id = s.schema_id
       inner join sys.database_principals dbprin
              on perm.grantee_principal_id = dbprin.principal_id
WHERE class = 3 --class 3 = schema
and = @FromUser
ORDER BY perm.permission_name ASC, perm.state_desc ASC

--Server Level Permissions
SELECT  server_permissions.state_desc COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ' ' + server_permissions.permission_nameCOLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
        + ' TO [' + COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ']' AS '--Server Level Permissions'
FROM    sys.server_permissions AS server_permissions WITH (NOLOCK)
        INNER JOIN sys.server_principals AS server_principals WITH (NOLOCK) ON server_permissions.grantee_principal_id =server_principals.principal_id
WHERE   server_principals.type IN ('S', 'U', 'G')
AND  = @FromUser
        server_permissions.state_desc ,

ISNUMERIC issue: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value to data type int

SELECT ... ,CONVERT(int, CAST(MyColumn AS float))   [Points] 
FROM ...

cast failed: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value to data type int

But..... we check that ISNUMERIC(MyColumn) = 1, so why it is failed?

Some charactes that are not numbers are return from ISNUMERIC as numeric, for example:


will return 1 to all!

Solution: TRY_PARSE
in the conditions, check WHERE TRY_PARSE (MyColumn AS float) IS  NOT NULL

SELECT ... ,CONVERT(int, CAST(MyColumn AS float))   [Points] 
FROM ...

TRY_PARSE tries to parse:
  • if it can parse - it return the pared value,
  • if not - it return NULL, and not fail the query!!!
so, if we check thet TRY_PARSE IS  NOT NULL, we can do the casting in the select.

Fake error in tSql code

just add a Raiseerror command:

RAISERROR ('fake message', 16, 1)

Return the data from XML as a table

declare @ColumnXML xml =
  <XmlValue SomeId="1">aaaa</XmlValue>
  <XmlValue SomeId="2">bbbb</XmlValue>
  <XmlValue SomeId="3">cccc</XmlValue>
-- get all XML records
SELECT T.c.query('.') AS result 
FROM   @ColumnXML.nodes('/XmlValues/XmlValue') T(c) 

-- return the data from the xml as a table
SELECT T.c.value('@SomeId','nvarchar(100)') as SomeId,
              T.c.value('.', 'varchar(50)') as SomeValue
FROM   @ColumnXML.nodes('/XmlValues/XmlValue') T(c) 

-- also you can do filters:
where T.c.value('@SomeId','nvarchar(100)') = 2



OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "" returned message "Cannot start more transactions on this session."

The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction.

The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction

Try to do:

Error message:
The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction.

remove the try-catch block and see the exact error. then fix it - it probably some 'standard' SQL error.

but - if you want/need to see the errors:
run dynamic sql from the linked server to the current one:

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "" returned message "Cannot start more transactions on this session."

Try to do:

Error message:
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "" returned message "Cannot start more transactions on this session."

In order to enable the distributed transactions set:

Run dynamic sql from the linked server to the current one

SET XACT_ABORT ON; -- In order to enable the distributed transactions


DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)

       set @SQL = 'REVERT; EXECUTE AS LOGIN = ''SA''
       UPDATE / INSERT / .....
       FROM [LinkedServerDataBaseName].[LinkedServerSchemaName].[LinkedServerTableName] b
       JOIN [MyServerNameAsLinkedServerName].[DataBaseName].[SchemaName].[TableName] ns  ON b.BRN_ID = ns.BRN_ID
       WHERE .......
              '') AT [LinkedServerName]';
       exec sp_executesql @SQL



       -- do something....


LinkedServerDataBaseName - database name in the linked server
MyServerNameAsLinkedServerName - my server has to be declared as linked server in the other server, this is it's linked server name there.
LinkedServerName - the linked server name in my server