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Check constraint on a column value for each ID in the table

Our goal: to check in the DB level that for each ID (or other column) will be other column with a specific value not more than one time.

Wow - long statement… Let's do it with an example :)

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SpecialCheckConst]
(      SomeID int,
       SomeStatusID int, -- we will check vaalues of this column
       SomeOtherColumn nvarchar(50) -- or any other columns

We want to check that for each SomeID there is no more than one record of SomeStatusID 1.

INSERT INTO dbo.SpecialCheckConst
       (      SomeID, SomeStatusID, SomeOtherColumn)
       (      2, 3, 'aaa'), (5, 1, 'sss')

When we will try to insert new record with SomeStatusID 1 for SomeID 2 - we should success.
When we will try to insert new record with SomeStatusID 1 for SomeID 5 - we should fail (because there is a record for this SomeID with status 1).
When we will try to insert new record with new SomeID - of course that SomeStatusID 1 is OK.

CHECK CONSTRAINT that calls a function that count the number of SomeStatusID 1 for the SomeID:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_SpecialCheckConst_SomeStatusIDOne]
       @SomeID int
       DECLARE @SomeStatusIDOne int

       SELECT @SomeStatusIDOne = COUNT(*)
       FROM dbo.SpecialCheckConst
       WHERE SomeID = @SomeID
       AND SomeStatusID = 1

       RETURN @SomeStatusIDOne

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SpecialCheckConst]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CHK_dbo_SpecialCheckConst_SomeStatusIDOne]
CHECK  (NOT ([dbo].[fn_SpecialCheckConst_SomeStatusIDOne](@SomeID) > 1 AND SomeStatusID = 1))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SpecialCheckConst] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CHK_dbo_SpecialCheckConst_SomeStatusIDOne]

And ….. It’s work!

You can drop the example temp table:
--DROP TABLE dbo.SpecialCheckConst

update Unicode strings in database

In SQL, in order to update Unicode values, you should add ‘N’ before the string

update [dbo].[Player]
set address1=N'aąbcćdeęfghijklłmnńoóprsśtuwyzźż',
where alias=N'Auto77086780' or Address1=N'tägelîch'

Here an example how an update statement without this ‘N’ will update wrong value (first update),
and how the same update statement but with ‘N’ will update the correct value (second update).

(BTW - the text is in Polish.)